United in Love Sticker by Courtney Capparelle

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Stickers make everything more fun, and we think you'll agree! Our easy-to-peel sticker collection is growing fast and quickly becoming one of our most popular items. The multi-purpose backing allows the stickers to be placed on anything from cars to notebooks, and can be easily removed and re-stuck anywhere. Perfect for kids of all ages, they make great stocking stuffers and gift bag items. With a matte finish and weather resistant vinyl laminate, our stickers make great bumper stickers and window stickers, too!

Proceeds Support:
Proceeds support Courage Campaign, an online community powered by more than one million members, instrumental in the fight for marriage equality.

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Design By: Courtney Capparelle
Courtney Capparelle
Courtney Capparelle is a trained Graphic Designer and self-taught watercolorist from Los Angeles, California currently living and creating on the other coast in Providence, Rhode Island.  She is endlessly inspired by the colors of California beaches and the lush nature of New England.
Design By: Courtney Capparelle
Courtney Capparelle
Courtney Capparelle is a trained Graphic Designer and self-taught watercolorist from Los Angeles, California currently living and creating on the other coast in Providence, Rhode Island.  She is endlessly inspired by the colors of California beaches and the lush nature of New England.
Artist Statement

When I learned about the retirement of Supreme Justice Anthony Kennedy so soon after the anniversary of marriage equality in the United States I felt inspired to memorialize his poignant and powerful words from when the Supreme Court ruled same-sex marriage legal in all 50 states. Even when I read them today, 3 years later, they move me, and I hope the viewer feels the same. Winsor & Newton professional watercolors on 100% cotton Fabriano paper; digitized in Photoshop — Courtney Capparelle